Are Indian Weddings Ready for Hip Hip Choreography? 

Indian weddings are known for their grandeur, and dance is an integral part of the celebrations. With the changing times, couples are now looking for unique ways to make their wedding ceremonies even more special. And what could be more exciting than adding some hip hop dance moves to the traditional dance performances? While hipContinue reading “Are Indian Weddings Ready for Hip Hip Choreography? “

Ucanji Revisit 2022: Let the Numbers Do the Dancing!

Ucanji, the online dance platform is taking the world by storm. We have been making waves in the dance world, attracting dance enthusiasts from all over the globe. With a growing number of watch hours and a surge in popularity on the website, Ucanji is quickly becoming the go-to platform for quality dance content. WeContinue reading “Ucanji Revisit 2022: Let the Numbers Do the Dancing!”

An Introduction to Easy Footwork Dance Moves for Beginners

What is Footwork? Dance is one of the most expressive art forms. It is a non-verbal and limitless form of expression, which makes it unique and liberating. Every move in a dance form has a meaning behind it. The movements you make with your arms, legs or feet while dancing represent unique emotions, thoughts, orContinue reading “An Introduction to Easy Footwork Dance Moves for Beginners”

Benefits of Learning Bharatanatyam Dance Online from Ucanji Website

Bharatanatyam Dance is a language of grace spoken through expressions and gestures. It is the art of God that beautifully blends nritta (dance movements) and abhinaya ( acting). Bharatanatyam is a sophisticated sign language based on hand mudras, eye movements and facial expressions. We are living in a world where everything and everyone is goingContinue reading “Benefits of Learning Bharatanatyam Dance Online from Ucanji Website”

Keep Dancing! Online Dance Classes for kids and adults in India

“Why walk when you can dance?” – Ellen Van Dam Dance is a great way for kids and adults to stay active and have fun. It’s also a great way to bond with friends and family. But what exactly does dance mean? Dance can mean different things to different people. For kids, dance can meanContinue reading “Keep Dancing! Online Dance Classes for kids and adults in India”

How to find best dance classes online

Dancing is one of the oldest and most popular forms of exercise that has been practised for centuries. It has evolved to become a fantastic method to lower stress and improve your mood, which is something everyone could use and benefit from in ways they never thought possible. It is a great way to stayContinue reading “How to find best dance classes online”

Explore the Many Advantages of Online Dance Classes

The post-pandemic period has changed the entire world around us. What started as a safety measure has now become a way of living. Yes, we are talking about digitalisation. From ordering food & groceries online to working from home, digital transformation has made everything accessible at a click of a button. So why should danceContinue reading “Explore the Many Advantages of Online Dance Classes”

Learn Interesting facts about Indian Classical Dance Styles

From expressing emotions to narrating a story, dancing is a way to connect with people. Apart from keeping you fit and healthy, dancing is also a way of celebration, especially in India. Dancing is something that Indians value highly. The classical dance forms reflect the beauty of our cultural heritage. These dance forms connect youContinue reading “Learn Interesting facts about Indian Classical Dance Styles”

Dance competitions to watch out for your kids

Dance is a great way to express oneself, and kids who participate in dance often feel more confident. This can carry over into other areas of their lives, such as school and friendships. It has been shown that kids who participate in dance have increased physical activity levels, improved social skills, fitness and higher self-esteem.Continue reading “Dance competitions to watch out for your kids”

Benefits of Learning Kathak Dance Online

Dance is a language of expressing emotions through your body movement. If storytelling is an art, Kathak Dance epitomizes artistic narration. Kathak is one of the major classical dance forms of India. It is a graceful combination of exquisite facial expressions, quick footwork, and composed gestures. The most appealing aspects of taking Kathak Dance ClassesContinue reading “Benefits of Learning Kathak Dance Online”

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